Now we are presenting our new service for our foreign customers, a branding service. You may order to make a logo and other information about your company on crack monitor «zi». It is an excellent opportunity to advertise you company in every crack. Now your customers will know exactly who they should address to with regard to the problems in buildings and premises.
We offer branding in four options. Choose the option that suits your needs best of all:
1. White label (No name)
This branding option is possible if you order a lot of 500 crack monitor or more. Lead time is 45 days (this lead time will be reduced in future). The price does not increase.
As a result you will receive a lot of crack monitor, which have only a scale and no other inscriptions. But a space is left on crack monitor however for you to have an opportunity to inscribe information or a drawing you need.
2. Co-branding ready (Joint label)
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We always have crack monitor work pieces for co-branding at our stock and we can ship off any amount you need in any lot (more than 10 pieces). The price does not increase within this option.
You will receive the required amount of crack monitor, with a little logo “”. There is also a spare space left for your information and logo.
3. Co-branding
OrderOrder crack monitors with co-branding
Lead time is 7 days. If you order from 10 till 90 pieces, the price increases by 0,5$ for a piece. If you order more than 100 pieces, the price remains the same.
This option provides that you send us your logo and information to be placed on crack monitor. We will prepare a preliminary layout as a drawing and will send it to you for approval. На crack monitor будет присутствовать The little logo “” and your information with logo inscribed by means of polymer label will be present.
4. Full branding
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Choosing this option, you will receive a lot of 500 crack monitor, made completely according to your requirements, without price increase. The lead time is 45 days.
This option makes possible any changes in layout you may want to.
Co-branding options are suitable for small companies, as well as for those who want that their information will be put on our webpage in future. We intend to fill webpage with useful information about cracks in the buildings and will create a list of organizations which are concerned with this issue.
Full branding option is suitable for large companies as well as for those who do not want to see any other logos next to their logo. It is also an ideal option for those who want to get an exclusive product for their specific needs.
Pay attention that if you order 500 crack monitor or more, we may agree the completeness of the sets. Each package (10 crack monitor) may be added with tools, parts and fasteners at your discretion.
If you have questions, e-mail us and we will offer you additional information.
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